music lessons calgary

Chinook School of Music Policies



Monthly tuition fees are withdrawn on the 1st of the month.

A method of payment is required on your account at the time of registration. Methods of payment are Visa, MasterCard, Amex, Visa Debit, or by request, Post dated cheque.

New students starting lessons part way through a month will have their first and/or last month's fee pro-rated based on the number of lessons remaining in the month. Regular monthly rates will commence on the 1st of the following month.

Students may book additional lessons at a per lesson cost.

The annual, non-refundable registration fee is $30 per student per year.

Seniors ages 60+ qualify for a 10% discount on books and tuition.


No refunds, credits, rescheduling or make-up lessons are available for student absences. If a student misses a lesson, the student forfeits the lesson.


Drop in lessons are non-refundable but never expire, if unused. Drop in lessons can be transferred to another student or family member. Drop in lessons can be rescheduled with 48 hours notice or are otherwise forfeited. No credits for missed drop in lessons.


Written notice of four lesson weeks is required to withdraw from lessons between September 1st and May 1. Please note, this is a four lesson week policy, not a four calendar week policy. The student may continue to take their lessons up to and including the final lesson date. No refunds will be issued for lessons after May 2 for the remainder of the school year. Students may continue to take their lessons up to and including the final lesson date. Your account will be reviewed to determine your final payment based on the number of lessons you have received and the number of lessons you have paid for.

No refunds will be issued for lessons cancelled after May 1 for the remainder of the school year.

All group classes have specific withdrawal policies. Please be sure to familiarize yourself with these policies at the time of registration. Group class refunds are subject to a $50 administration fee.


Teachers may schedule a substitute teacher from time to time. If a student cancels or does not attend a lesson scheduled with a substitute teacher, the lesson is forfeited. Any lessons canceled by the instructor will be made up at a mutually agreeable time. If a student cancels or does not attend a scheduled makeup lesson, the makeup lesson is forfeited.


In-person lessons are not available to students who are experiencing cold or flu symptoms.

In-home lessons are not available if the student or anyone in the household is experiencing cold or flu symptoms.

An online lesson will be available at the student's regular scheduled lesson day and time provided that the student has given their teacher prior notice. Online lessons may also be offered if your instructor is ill.

Should a student display signs of sickness during their lesson time, their parent/guardian will be contacted to pick them up.

Students are encouraged to wash their hands before each lesson and class.


Chinook School of Music uses text and email for school notifications and updates. Please ensure that is in your contact list to receive emails from our institution. At any time, if you wish to unsubscribe from our emails and newsletters, you may do so by clicking the unsubscribe button. Please note that by doing so, you may miss important information regarding your lessons, performances and registration dates.


Students must be escorted by an adult to and from the building. Children cannot be left unattended. Parents/Guardians may sign a waiver to allow students 12 years and older to enter and exit the premises unescorted.

Chinook School of Music is a nut free environment.


Should a government mandated closure of Chinook School of Music occur, all in-person lessons will continue online. Refunds and make-up lessons will not be available for any student who refuses an online lesson that has been scheduled in place of an in-person lesson due to a government-mandated closure. Students may withdraw from lessons and classes at any time with one month’s written notice.


Chinook School of Music, their directors, officers, employees, agents, volunteers, contractors, and representatives are not liable for any damages, injuries, illnesses or claims relating to or arising from participation in music lessons, classes or performances or through entering and leaving the premises or facilities.


Although Chinook School of Music expects to operate for the full duration of the school year, Chinook School of Music shall be under no liability for failure to deliver services in circumstances beyond the control of Chinook School of Music including but not limited to Acts of God (including, flood, storm, pandemic or other natural disasters), acts or regulations of public authorities, and political or social upheavals. 

Chinook School of Music policies are subject to change at any time during the school year. Notice of changes will be provided to students through our newsletters.